Brent Bruce - irregularities in heart stress test
Karen Reynolds - physical
Rhonda Rowland & family - passing of her aunt, Ellen Whited
Mabel Graman - cancer (friend of Don Estep)
Marvin Smedley - surgery recovery
Kim Smedley's sister, Kathy (& husband) - hip/shoulder surgery recovery (extreme pain)
Bob Benfer - brain cancer (intense, daily treatments)
Rex Kilgore - recovery (home)
Andy & Julie Schoch - loss of infant daughter
Jeremy Ratliff - physical
Carol McClellan - awaiting tests results/physical
Bruce McClellan - upcoming surgery
Shirley Evans - physical (home) / starting chemo
Pastor Rich - heart surgery recovery
Brad Gentille (Pastor Shelby First Baptist) - cancer/trying new treatment
Gabe O’Dell - rare, aggressive cancer (young man)
Billie Jean Stiteler - anxiety/pain (Ontario Estates)
Bob & Connie Geissman - physical
Mildred Wright - cancer treatments
Bev Minich - physical
Sherry Vanderpool Jr - physical